CHICKEN SOUP, 45(W)cmx45(H)cm, Acrylic Paint on Canvas Panel, 2023
Chicken is eaten a lot by many people because it is cheap. So I make them collaborated with the most expensive brand over the world.
많은이들에게 값싸다는 이유로 많이 먹혀진 닭고기를 추모하며, 세상에서 가장 비싼것과 콜라보레이션을 진행시켜주었다.
CHICKEN SOUP, 45(W)cmx45(H)cm, Acrylic Paint on Canvas Panel, 2023
Chicken is eaten a lot by many people because it is cheap. So I make them collaborated with the most expensive brand over the world.
많은이들에게 값싸다는 이유로 많이 먹혀진 닭고기를 추모하며, 세상에서 가장 비싼것과 콜라보레이션을 진행시켜주었다.